Emma Tahvanainen
”Tämä on Keskusteluja Lapinlahdessa” (This is Conversations at Lapinlahti) is a three-spread riso zine, with two conversations, pictures, two poems and a poster. I recorded and transcribed my discussions with a table group in Lapinlahti and documented the time spent with it by writing, drawing and taking pictures. The (peculiar) work explores non-verbal communication, an introversion in relation to the surrounding environment, and the space between the unrealisation and realisation of desires and expectations. (2024) ↓
Tuli & Savu is a literary magazine exclusively dedicated to poetry. The magazine's layout is designed by a changing pair of visual communication design students from Aalto University.  Within the framework of the magazine's theme, form and two changing print colours, the designers create an experimental layout while respecting the needs of poetry. In our design, we explored the tension between the sacred and unsacred. (2023, Emma Tahvanainen & Justus Arvelin) ↓
"Crazy Summer It Is" is an ode to summer in form of a poster triptych. In this project, form followed fun. (2023, Emma Tahvanainen & Samu Pitkänen) ↓
Poster for Noin Seitsemän. (2023) ↓
Poster and booklet cover. Created during Experiment: Language course in Aalto University. (2022) ↓
T-shirt illustration and typography for Ravenue. (2023) ↓